ShinGaia Salutation in Gratitude online

As we try to keep some kind of
balance, sanity, and constructive
functionality amidst the current disruption of old patterns and ways of living, I'll offer a few online
classes via ZOOM:

Wednesdays 8:00-8:30am
- ShinGaia Immunity Practice
Fridays, 8:00-9:15am
- ShinGaia Gentle Gratitude Practice

Tuesdays, 6:30-8:00pm
- ShinGaia Flow

Saturdays, 17h-17h40 - Mantra Chanting

We'll also have monthly gatherings over the summer:

- Yoga & Movement Improvisation (w/Ann Moradian and Corinne Ott), online and in-person.
- Daybreak, outdoor yoga retreats for full or half-days, within one hour of Paris.

Please contact Ann Moradian for additional information, and to reserve your place.