
Showing posts from March, 2025

Free Yoga Video Recordings

Welcome! These videos are accessible by anyone.  Make sure to listen to your body and modify or reject any proposition you need to. In this work, we are always seeking stability combined with ease, rather than pain or stress. If you feel pain or strain in the joints, light-headed or dizzy, these are clear signs from your body that you must modify, ease up, slow down, or outright reject the practice.  If you are or have been dealing with any injury, illness or disease (including high blood pressure, glaucoma, joint issues, severe migraines, or any recent interventions like dental work), check with your doctor to make sure it is okay for you to practice yoga or do physical exercise.  If you would like to share these exercises, ideas or principles with others, great! All we ask is that, when you do, you acknowledge who you received this transmission from. In many instances, this will be me (Ann Moradian), but in other instances it will be someone else who is acknowledged in ...